Oral Health and News Journal


The latest information oral health, dental care, dental implants and oral hygiene. Tehachapi dental news, press releases and announcements from Sedation and Implant Dentistry of Tehachapi.



July 17, 2019 Health0

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder that deprives the body of oxygen and increases the risk of serious health issues. It is the involuntary cessation of breath while sleeping. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing as many as hundreds of times per night, sometimes for a full minute or longer.


July 15, 2019 Health0

Do you sometimes wake up with a tension headache or soreness in your jaw or face? Do you have tooth sensitivity and worn enamel on your teeth? Has your sleep partner complained about the grinding noises you make at night? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, you may have sleep bruxism, a condition in which you subconsciously grind or clench your teeth at night.


April 22, 2019 Procedures0

If you are one of 90 million American adults who snore, or one of 18 million Americans affected by sleep apnea, you might be surprised when your doctor sends you to the dentist to address your nighttime breathing issues. Our Tehachapi dentist works closely with physicians to treat both snoring and sleep apnea, often using oral appliance therapy. 



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